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Starfish Group

Birth to 2 years


When starting in our Starfish Group, you will be invited to spend half an hour to play together. This is a good time for the Key Person to get to know you, your child and their routine. We can also offer home visits if parents/carers wish to start the settling in process from home.

A typical day in our Starfish Group will involve singing and rhymes, bubbles, sensory play, treasure baskets, with physical play both inside and outside.

There are quiet, soft, cosy areas for the children to snuggle up in and look at books or play peek a boo!

Our Starfishes Team work hard to build positive relationships with both parents and our little Starfishes.

The children's individual routines are followed ensuring that each child gets the care they require, enabling them to learn and develop happily in their own time.


All practitioners have up to date paediatric first aid training.


The practitioner to child ratio is 1:3.


Our sleep room


The importance of sleep encompasses all aspects of healthy growth and development. Children need adequate sleep so that their bodies grow and their brains function. Sleep is when the body restores itself to be ready for activity and learning when awake.


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