Outdoor Area

We have a large garden area with a range of outdoor equipment. We provide opportunities for children to move freely and take risks in a safe way.
The wood chip floor is a great natural safe surface for the children to play on. We use different equipment, tools and materials to explore.
We use the garden all year round, it's a great place to learn, explore and run. We encourage children to be active using their fine and gross motor skills, whilst climbing and balancing. We want children to recognise their physical potential and develop a love for the outdoors.
During time at Sandcastles, children will explore different ways of moving, such as walking, running and jumping, have opportunities to hold and control small tools, such as scissors and pencils, play movement games, including throwing and catching activities and use large equipment, such as our climbing frame.

Sandcastle Nursery and Preschool Ltd.
19 Stourcliffe Avenue